All posts by Monica Chenault

Program Manager for Office of Student Mental Health and Behavior. Managing NOVACares and NOVA SAS.

NOVA Victims’ Rights Provisions

Northern Virginia Community College

Victims’ Rights Provisions – 2014


Sexual misconduct is not tolerated at Northern Virginia Community College.  Reports of sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, or stalking are taken seriously.  It is important to NOVA that victims (complainants) are informed, protected, and respected.  The complete Northern Virginia Community College Sexual Misconduct Policy is available online at  More information about the College’s responsibilities under Title IX to address complaints of sexual violence can be found online.

The following rights are afforded to any NOVA student, staff, or faculty member who experiences such an incident.  It is NOVA’s hope that these rights will provide you with adequate information from which to choose your options.

  1.  CONFIDENTIALITY. Above all, confidentiality of victims must be protected.  Identifying information of a victim will be protected as much as possible.  This means that a victim’s name will not be published or otherwise publicized without her/his permission.  When a person makes an official complaint to authorities, all possible protections will be afforded this individual, whether or not she/he participates in any investigation. When the College needs to act to protect the safety of others, absolute confidentiality may not be possible. For absolute confidentiality, contact NOVA Sexual Assault Services (see below for contact information).
  2.  TIMELY WARNINGS.  Any timely warning that is broadcast through NOVA websites or emails for the safety of our community will       not identify a victim by name.
  3.  REPORTING OPTIONS.  It is your choice whether or not you decide to report your victimization. At NOVA, there are several offices to report an incident if you choose to do so.  See list below.College Police – 703-764-5000To report the incident and begin a criminal investigation

    Local Police Department – 911

    To report the incident and begin a criminal investigation with minimal college involvement

    Campus Dean of Students – Contact the Dean Of Students at your own campus or center

    To report the incident and begin a Student Code of Conduct investigation

    Human Resources – 703-323-3110

    To report the incident and begin a staff or faculty investigation

    Sexual Assault Services – or 703.338.0834    24 hour availability

    ***To access confidential support, advocacy and intervention for those affected by these issues

    Title IX Coordinator – Mr. Therman Coles – 703-323-3266

    To report the incident and begin an administrative Title IX investigation

  4. NO CONTACT or PROTECTIVE ORDERS.  The College will honor any protective order that you may have acquired through the local courts.  Please bring a copy of such a court order to the College Police for their information and enforcement.  In addition, a NOVA administrative no contact order may be created by the Dean of Students or Title IX Coordinator once the incident is reported to that office.
  5. PRESERVING PHYSICAL EVIDENCE.  If you are considering a criminal prosecution, it is extremely important to preserve all evidence of an assault. If you go to a hospital as a result of a penetrating sexual assault, you are entitled to a free evidence collection examination called a SANE exam.  SANE stands for Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner.  In Northern Virginia, the preferred hospital for such an exam is INOVA Fairfax, where they have specially trained nurses on call 24 hours a day for such purposes. INOVA Fairfax Hospital provides care to sexual assault victims no matter where in Northern Virginia the crime occurred. The nurse will collect the evidence and ask the police in the jurisdiction where the crime occurred to pick it up and store it for at least six months.  The evidence will be in a box marked only with a number, not your name.  You are not required to make an official police report for this evidence to be collected.  If you later decide to make such a report, the hospital will give your name to the police and the evidence kit will be tested for possible use in a court case.  For more information about how to preserve evidence, contact NOVA Police at 703.764.5000 or NOVA Sexual Assault Services at 703.338.0834.
  6. STUDENT CONDUCT PROCESS.  If you are a student and your perpetrator was also a student, then you may choose to report the incident (as the complainant) to your Dean of Students to begin a conduct process.  This is not a court trial; you may or may not choose to contact the police to use this process.  A hearing will be held on campus to determine whether the perpetrator is responsible for the act that you have reported.  Sanctions for this process are confined to the College only and range from probation to expulsion, depending on the severity of the incident.  For more details, see the current NOVA Code of Student Conduct within the NOVA Student Handbook, accessed online or in hardback copy.
  7. HUMAN RESOURCES PROCESS.  If you are an employee, then you may choose to report the incident to NOVA Human Resources, specifically to the Director of Human Resources, Employee Relations Specialist or the designated HR Campus Consultant.  Additionally, you may also choose to contact College Police to use this process or to begin a criminal investigation.
  8. REQUESTS FOR CHANGES.  You may request a change in academic setting (class or campus) or work assignment in order to be more clearly separated from the accused perpetrator.  Such a request will be granted to the greatest extent possible.  These requests should be made to the Campus Dean of Students or Title IX Coordinator (if you are a student) or the Director of Human Resources or Title IX Coordinator (if you are an employee).  Requested changes will be made as soon as alternative arrangements can reasonably be made and regardless of whether you choose to pursue an investigation into your incident..
  9. FAIR AND IMPARTIAL INVESTIGATION AND RESOLUTION.  You can expect a fair and just process as your complaint is handled, either through the Dean of Students, Human Resources, or Title IX Coordinator.  You can obtain more information about these processes by accessing the Student Handbook, Faculty Handbook or Classified Staff Handbook, which can all be found online at
  10. RETALIATION CONCERNS.  Threats, intimidation, and any form of retaliation for bringing a complaint of sexual misconduct are prohibited by the Sexual Misconduct Policy as well as Federal law and may be grounds for disciplinary action.  If any retaliation occurs, it is important to contact either the Campus Dean of Students, the College Police, the Title IX Coordinator, and/or Human Resources.
  11. COMMUNITY RESOURCES.  Since NOVA does not offer mental health counseling to students or employees, it is important to be aware of community resources that are both free and confidential. All offer 24 hour services.  It is best to choose the service listed below that is closest either to your home or your campus.  Every student or employee can use NOVA SAS, however, no matter where you live, work, or study.

NOVA CC- Sexual Assault Services  (SAS)– or 703.338.0834

ALEXANDRIA – Sexual Assault Center – 703.683.7273

FAIRFAX COUNTY  – Domestic and Sexual Violence Services (DSVS) – 703.360.7273

PRINCE WILLIAM COUNTY – Sexual Assault Victims’ Advocacy Services (SAVAS) – 703.368.4141

LOUDOUN COUNTY – Abused Women’s Shelter (LAWS) – 703.777.6652

In an emergency, call 911.  Consider reporting any of these crimes to the police. 

NOVA Police can be reached at 703.764.5000.

May is Mental Health Month






Recognize the Signs of Suicidal Behavior

Things People Might Say…

“I’m tired of life. I can’t go on.”
“My family would be better off without me.”
“Who cares if I’m dead anyway?”
“I just want out.”
“I won’t be around much longer.”
“Soon you won’t have to worry about me.”
“I wish I were dead.”
“I’m going to end it all.”
“I just want to die.”
“I’m going to kill myself.”
“If….doesn’t happen, I’m going to kill

Things People Might Do…

Get a gun or stockpile pills
Give away prized possessions
Take more impulsive risks
Cut themselves or other gestures of self-harm
Neglect their appearance
Abuse alcohol and/or drugs
Isolate themselves/run away/drop out of school
Show a dramatic change of mood

Call CRISISLINK at 1-800-273-TALK for 24/7 support.

NOVA’s First Annual “Take Back The Night” Rally and March April 22, LO

Take Back the Night Flyer 2014

NOVA’s First Annual Take Back the Night  is scheduled at the Loudoun Campus on Tuesday, April 22nd beginning at 6:30 PM.

The purpose of a Take Back The Night is to raise awareness about violence against women, specifically sexual assault and domestic violence.  There will be speakers from within the College and from the wider community.  Some students will speak out about their personal experiences.  Resources will be available from many community agencies.  The rally will be followed by a short candlelight march around LO (to invigorate the crowd and to add a special significance to the event.  And finally, Sexual Assault Services will provide an open area for those in attendance to share their experiences in a Safe Room at LO.

This entire event has been organized and is sponsored by NOVA Sexual Assault Services.  We welcome your attendance.  Please pass along the information to anyone you think might be interested.


Free On-Line Trainings “At Risk” for NOVA. Try them out!

Kognito is an FREE  interactive training for Faculty and Staff .  Through interactive conversation with student avatars, you can practice how to talk to students in distress and how to talk to and support our military students.   There is also a training for students on how to identify and talk to their peers who may be at risk.

The links to these trainings are below. The password to participate in these trainings is listed as well.  Please note that trainings are available on a first-come, first-serve basis, so please do not wait too long to participate.  Feel free to share this training opportunity with anyone you think may benefit.


At-Risk for Faculty & Staff


Enrollment Key: cspcva


At-Risk for Students


Enrollment Key: cspcva


Veterans on Campus


Enrollment Key: cspcva


NOVA Police to Offer Bomb Threat Awareness Training

BT FlyerMarch Dates –

register by emailing


Bomb Threats Topics Include:   The destructiveness of bombs   Penalties for false bomb threats   Prevention techniques   Response options   Additional resources Dates/Locations: (rooms TBD)   March 3, Annandale Campus from noon-1pm   March 4, MEC Campus noon-1pm… March 5, Alexandria Campus from noon-1pm   March 7, Woodbridge Campus from noon-1pm   March 11, Loudoun Campus from noon-1pm   March 12, Manassas Campus from noon-1pm Please RSVP to Officer Ong ( if you plan to attend this presentation.

Recognizing and Responding to Distressed Students in Your Classroom – MaryAnn Raybuck and Nan Peck

Mark your calendars for this workshop on March 28th from 10-2 at the AN campus!
Recognizing and Responding to Distressed Students in Your Classroom – MaryAnn Raybuck and Nan Peck presenting
Have you noticed a student who appears to be preoccupied and unable to stay focused and engaged in class? Recognizing and responding to students with mental health issues is a real concern for many teaching faculty.
Join us for a complimentary seminar on Friday, March 28, from 10-2 to explore your concerns about responding to students with mental health issues.
NOVA’s Student Mental Health and Behavior Case Manager MaryAnn Raybuck and Associate Professor of Communication Studies Nan Peck will facilitate the discussion.
Join us at NOVA’s Annandale Campus, Room CN 117,
This seminar is sponsored by NOVA’s Student Services and VCCS’s Northern Regional Center for Teaching Excellence. Space is limited to 50 participants. To register, go to

Your Safety at NOVA

“Your Safety at NOVA” originally posted in the NOVA Police Public Safety Newsletter on October 24, 2013.

Don’t forget that you can file a report through NOVACares at on anything that concerns or worries you.

NOVA’s campuses are extremely safe, as demonstrated by state crime statistics that show a significant drop (more than 40%) in serious crimes on campus since 2010. This progress is a
result of the hiring of additional professional officers in the past few years, a college-wide police dispatch center that operates 24/7/365, better information sharing, an aggressive community
outreach program with security oriented training brought to each campus, and increased training of our officers.
In spite of this reduced crime statistic, recent sexual assaults on or near the Annandale and Loudoun campuses remind us we may confront predators here at NOVA. In response to these crimes, NOVA Police have active on-going investigations. We have dedicated significant resources to investigate these crimes and deter future crimes. We are working closely with local law enforcement agencies. In addition to our investigations, the College has taken or is taking the following steps:
Increased officer presence at affected campuses with officers from other campuses and are patrolling the interior and exterior of the campus buildings.
Deployed electronic signs telling campus personnel to call dispatch (703) 764-5000 for police escorts to vehicles.
Working closely with local police departments and have their officers increasing their patrols in and around our campuses.
Directed Parking and Facilities personnel, along with and other College entities, to notify the Police of suspicious activity.
Installed temporary lights in selected locations.
Evaluating campus lighting to identify locations that merit new lights or the redeployment of existing lights.
Developing a self-defense class that will be brought to each campus within the next four to six weeks.
The following safeguards can help you avoid becoming a victim of an assault. By taking a few simple precautions, you can reduce the risk to yourself, and also discourage those who commit crimes. Remember — predators seek out those who appear weak and/or who are unaware of their environment.
Do not walk (or drive) with headphones or while texting.
Constantly scan your surroundings and be alert for suspicious persons. Report suspicious activity to the Police.
Try NOT to walk alone at night; walk in a group. If you must travel alone, do not take shortcuts or walk in or near alleys, poorly lighted areas, or shrubbery. If you want an escort to your vehicle, call police dispatch and an officer will be sent to your location.
Do not get into an empty elevator with a stranger. If must do ride with a stranger, stand near the control panel and if attacked, press as many of the control buttons as possible.
Do not avert your eyes. Be confident. Predators choose the weak.
If you are out late, ask a police officer or a co-worker to walk you to your car.
When approaching your vehicle, have your keys in hand so you can open the car door without delay and check the back seat before getting in.
Always lock your doors when driving, and even when just sitting in your car.
In the event you are attacked, take the following steps:
Be verbally assertive.
Do not avert your eyes. Try to remember as much as you can about the assailant’s race, face (eye color, facial hair), weight, height, hair color, speech (accent, stutter), clothing, jewelry, scars/tattoos and direction of travel. The police will need this information.
Distract or divert the assailant, then flee. Run toward people or an open building.
Scream loudly and keep it up to attract attention and help from people near you.
Notify the Police as soon as possible and if there are witnesses, ask them to stay until police arrive. It is critical you report the crime, with as many details about the suspect, to police to allow us to gather all the facts about the crime, generate necessary resources and assign them to appropriate posts. If you don’t report a crime, the criminal will continue to operate without interference.
Sign up for NOVA Alerts at to receive the latest information on recent and developing public safety incidents on campus.
Review the Police/OEMP Monthly Public Safety Newsletter for safety information and listings of upcoming police training.
In order to expedite NOVA’s provision of the most appropriate and timely service to victims, please note the following points of contact and program these numbers into your cell phone:

For sexual assaults and other crimes, call the Police at (703) 764-5000.

To obtain information about sexual assault support services and victim advocacy, call Student Mental Health and Behavior Director, Connie Kirkland at (571) 422-5339.

For sexual harassment (e.g., inappropriate language and sexual discrimination), call the College’s Title IX Administrator, Therman Coles at (703) 323-3266.

One of NOVA’s best attributes is our sense of community. Caring, observant and involved students, faculty and staff, working together with the College’s professional police department, can continue to improve safety and security on our campuses.