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“Make the Call” Campaign – Tuesday April 4th 8:45AM


24/7 Domestic & Sexual Violence Hotline Saves Lives

Sexual Assault Awareness Month Kickoff Reminds Residents that Help is Available

WHEN: Tuesday, April 4 at 8:45 a.m.

WHAT: Launch

WHO: Speakers for this brief kickoff announcement include Braddock District Supervisor John C. Cook; Fairfax Sheriff Stacey Kincaid; and Fairfax County Police Lieutenant Colonel Erin Schaible. Office for Women and Domestic and Sexual Violence Services Program Manager Yolanda Thompson and Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Program Manager Allison Lowry will also address Sexual Assault Awareness Month and Child Abuse Awareness Month.

WHERE: Fairfax County Government Center, 12000 Government Center Parkway, Fairfax, VA

BACKGROUND: April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) as well as Child Abuse Prevention Month. In concert with these campaigns, Fairfax County and its Domestic Violence Prevention Allies are launching “Make the Call,” a year-long campaign to encourage victims, bystanders and offenders to utilize the 24-hour Domestic and Sexual Violence Hotline at 703-360-7273.

Tip of the Week: Be an Active Bystander

An active bystander speaks up or calls attention to an issue that doesn’t seem right. You are often the first to see any concerning behavior, so if you “See Something, Say Something.” This can prevent various types of sexual misconduct and identify behavioral changes, stress, suicidal actions, or depression. If you have seen something concerning, please file an online report at For more information or assistance contact NOVA Sexual Assault Services at or call 703.338.0834. If someone is in immediate danger call 9-1-1 or NOVA Police at 703.764.5000. To learn more about bystander intervention visit

Tip of the Week: Prevent Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is a modern-day form of slavery involving the illegal trade of people for exploitation or commercial gain. Every year, millions of men, women and children are trafficked in countries around the world, including the United States. Human trafficking is a hidden crime as victims rarely come forward to seek help because of language barriers, fear of the traffickers and/or fear of law enforcement. For more information on human trafficking please visit and click on the human trafficking tab. If you or someone you know is in immediate danger call 9-1-1 or NOVA Police at 703.764.5000. For information about Northern Virginia Human Trafficking Task force please visit

Tip of the Week: Academic Counseling

The NOVACare’s website offers the opportunity to connect with several resources available to the NOVA community. If you feel you are falling behind in your classes, you can visit our website, and click the page “Academic Support Services”. Under that page you will find information on different types of academic services the campus has to offer. If you are a new student or have questions, a counselor will help guide you through the sometimes confusing administrative procedures and requirements. All NOVA campuses have counselors available by appointment or walk-in. If you cannot come to campus to meet with your advisor, Online Virtual Advising is available to you.

Tip of the Week: Sexual Assault Definition

Sexual assault is any sexual activity that is perpetrated against someone’s will or without explicit consent of the individual. These can include behaviors such as:
• Non-contact sexual offenses are unwanted or non-consensual sexual behaviors that do not involve touch, such as threats of sexual assault, exposing someone to or creating pornography, taking nonconsensual sexual photography or exposing someone to nudity.
• Sexual harassment encompasses any unwanted or unwelcome sexual advances or obscene remarks in the workplace or other professional or social situations such as the school setting.
• Sexual battery is non-consensual touching, without penetration, of the intimate parts of another.
NOVA Sexual Assault services (SAS) is available 24 hours by phone, email or text for any student, faculty and staff of the NOVA community. To contact a SAS coordinator for free confidential support, please call 703.338.0834 or email For more information on sexual assault please visit us at

Tip of the Week: Disability Support Services at NOVA

NOVA is committed to ensuring all students have an opportunity to pursue a college education regardless of the presence or absence of a disability. No academically qualified student with a disability shall be denied access to or participation in the services, programs and activities of the College. Disabilities can include autism, Down-syndrome, learning disabilities, and many others.

If you have a disability for which you require accommodations, please visit the

For more information about autism resources, please visit and click on the Autism Spectrum tab.

Tip of the Week: 3.27.17 Counseling Referrals

Although Northern Virginia Community College does not provide campus-based mental health services for students, NOVACares has created a database of mental health professionals available throughout the Northern Virginia, DC, Maryland area who are licensed to provide psychotherapy and medication management. Our Mental Health Provider Database allows you to search for a provider by discipline, specialty, gender identification, insurances accepted, location and public transportation accessibility. The Mental Health Provider Home Page also includes information about how to choose a therapist and offers information and resources for addressing grief, substance abuse, veterans’ concerns and LGBTQ support. For more information about The Mental Health Provider Home Page, please click the following link To find more about available NovaCares services, visit us at



Consent is a voluntary and sober agreement to engage in every step of a sexual activity. The absence of a verbal “no” does not indicate consent. If consent is not present then a sexual assault has been committed. Individuals who are intoxicated cannot give consent. If permission to have sexual activity is gained through force, imbalance of power, coercion, threat of violence or is perpetrated against someone who is not able to give consent, because that individual is sleep, incapacitated, unconscious, legally intoxicated or a minor, consent is not actually given.
For more information about consent please visit To contact a 24 hour NOVA Sexual Assault Services coordinator for free confidential support, please call 703.338.0834 or email