NOVACares Fear Versus Threat Workshop – Friday Feb. 24

Fear vs. Threat
Come learn what NOVACares does to keep you safe

It can be difficult to maintain our objectivity when faced with something we perceive as a threat. Learn how fear can distort our perception of a situation and about NOVA’s multi-layered approach to keeping you safe.

Friday, Feb. 24, 2017
9 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

NOVA-AL Bisdorf Building, Room AA196
Alexandria, VA 22311

MaryAnn Raybuck, MSW Case Manager for the NOVACares Office and Threat Assessment Team Member

For more information or to RSVP, contact:
Latrice Shannon

Valentine’s Day Tip of the Week

Tip of the Week
Valentine’s Day is Tuesday, February 14th. Here is a recipe for a Healthy Relationship that you can use during this special day!
• ½ cup of Fairness
• 2 tbsp. of Honesty
• 1 quart of Respect
• 2 spoonful’s of Trust & Support
• A pinch of Economic Partnership
• 100% Non-Threatening Behavior
*Combine ingredients in an embrace and heat to 98.6 degrees. Let it rise with patience and time


Stalking is a course of conduct, targeted at a particular person that causes a reasonable person to feel fear. On college campuses the stalker is often not a stranger to the victim. These perpetrators often have an intimate relationship or close friendship; they may be classmates, co-workers, neighbors, acquaintances, or relatives to their victims. If you or someone you know is being stalked, contact a 24 hour NOVA Sexual Assault Services Coordinator for free confidential support. Please call 703.338.0834 or email For more information and resources about stalking, please visit

Tip of the Week: 1.26.17







Tip of the Week:
The start of a new semester can be stress-producing. NOVACares offers many resources to members of the NOVA community. One such resource is Half of Us. This website is devoted to college students who are experiencing stressors and emotional challenges that often come with campus life. Testimonials, resources, and coping strategies are offered to students to remind them that they are not alone in their struggles. For more information on Half of Us please visit: For more stress management tools, please visit , and click on the “Stress Management” tab. There you will find helpful tips to manage stress and useful links to more information.

Upcoming Events: NOVACares and NOVA SAS

NOVACares/ Sexual Assault Services Spring 2017 Events

Wednesday, January 18 – AL Welcome Week Resource Block Party (11:00am-2:00pm) Bisdorf Cafeteria
Monday, January 30 – AL Stalking Tabling (11:00am-2:00pm)
Monday, February 13 – AN Create Your Own Valentine (11:00am-2:00pm) CA 3rd floor
Tuesday, February 14 – AL Create Your Own Valentine! (11:00am-2:00pm)
Wednesday, February 15 – LO Healthy Relationship Tabling (11:00am-2:00pm) LC Café
Thursday, February 16 – WO Healthy Relationship Tabling (11:00am-2:00pm)
Wednesday, March 8 – AL Posting Red Flags
Monday, March 13 – AL The Red Flag Campaign (11:00am-2:00pm)
Wednesday, March 15 – LO Stalking Tabling (11:00am-2:00pm) LC Café
Thursday, March 16 – WO Staking Tabling (11:00am-2:00pm)
Tuesday, April 11- AL The Clothesline Project (9:00am-4:00pm) outside Bisdorf Cafeteria
Wednesday, April 12 – AL The Clothesline Project (9:00am-4:00pm) outside Bisdorf Cafeteria
Monday, April 17 – WO Posting Red Flags
Tuesday, April 18 – WO The Clothesline Project (9:00am-4:00pm)
Wednesday, April 19 – WO The Clothesline Project (9:00am-4:00pm)
Thursday, April 20 – WO The Red Flag Campaign (11:00am-2:00pm)
Tuesday, April 25 – LO The Clothesline Project (9:00am-4:00pm)
Wednesday, April 26 – LO The Clothesline Project (9:00am-4:00pm)
Thursday, April 27 – MA The Clothesline Project (9:00am-4:00pm) Howsmon Patio
Friday, April 28 – Denim Day

TIP OF THE WEEK: Cyberstalking: When It Gets Personal and Digital

Common indications of online harassment include: Threats via email, posts, and any form of online messaging and communication. Any public online publication of vicious posts that expose or attack you. Attempts to defame or slander your reputation by posing as you online. Harassment of friends, family, and colleagues in order to frighten or isolate a person, family, or organization.

Search for yourself online, using your name, username, phone number, or any other personal information. Is there anything out there that’s too revealing? Worse, is there anything out there that you haven’t created yourself?

If you’ve recently broken up with a spouse or significant other, ensure that you change each and every password that they do (or might) know about—particularly if the person or break-up was difficult, abusive, angry, or otherwise troublesome.

Change your passwords to something that person wouldn’t be able to guess.

Have your computer inspected by a professional if you believe that you may be targeted. They need to check for spyware and other viruses, too.

Check your credit report status regularly, particularly if you’re in the public eye (as a businessperson, professional, celebrity, etc.).

Ignore annoying but non-threatening messages. Sometimes a stalker just wants some attention; when you refuse to give the attention, the person will choose an easier target.

Avoid responding to any suggestive messages or comments, even if it seems fun, tempting, or harmless.

Do you believe you have a cyberstalker? Then trust your gut about that. It’s better to be wrong than to be… in a very bad position. Consider the following internet safety tips:

Record and report each incident.
Change your screen-name.
Consider closing your account altogether.
Don’t panic; reach out for support from people whom you trust.
The faster you block that person’s ability to hurt or harass you,
the sooner he or she will leave you alone.
If you’re worried about your safety and well-being, don’t hesitate
to contact police and law enforcement authorities. NOVA Police are available 24/7 at 703-764-5000.

TIP OF THE WEEK: Resources for Homeless Community Members

homeless1NOVACares provides information for local emergency shelter for homeless community members. There are several options for housing in NOVA such as, off-campus housing, Arlington County Assistance Bureau, and Alternative House to name a few. For more information on homeless housing in Virginia please visit If you or someone you know is homeless and you are seeking guidance submit an online report at

Managing Election Stress: Tips from the JED Foundation

Managing Election Stress
November 9, 2016
Many people have found the recent political campaigns and election to be dramatic and emotionally challenging. If you are experiencing distress or heightened stress here are some things you can do to help feel better:
Stick to your routine:
Maintaining your regular schedule of activities and taking care of your usual responsibilities can help engage you and reestablish a sense of normalcy and regularity.
Take care of yourself:
You will feel better if you get enough sleep, eat properly and get regular exercise.
Engage in pleasurable and meaningful activities:
Take some time to do something you usually enjoy-take a walk, go to a movie, spend time with friends. Doing activities that help or support others can increase your sense of well-being and enhance your optimism.
Limit your social media time:
Constantly checking news feeds or other social media can increase your tension. Set aside specific times to check news and social media. Too much time online also can interfere with getting enough sleep.
Limit substance use:
Drinking or partying to feel better might seem to help in the very short run but will leave you feeling depleted and lower.
Limit political debate and argument:
It’s important to stay engaged and informed in the political process and the news – but keep it in balance. If it is stressing you out, then let some time pass or take a break.
Spend time with supportive friends and family:
Being with people who care about you can help you feel safe and protected.
If you have tried these steps and are still feeling very stressed, down or despairing, you should consider getting help from a mental health professional. Check out your school counseling service or speak to your healthcare provider or a trusted adult to get connected to care.
If you are feeling like you need immediate help, text “start” to 741-741.
If you are feeling as if you or someone you know is in immediate danger of self-harm, call 911 or go to your nearest hospital emergency room.