Category Archives: Uncategorized

Tip of the Week: Did you know NOVA has an Office of Military and Veterans Services (OMVS)?

The Office of Military and Veterans Services (OMVS) is a centralized office designed to provide comprehensive resources to veterans and military related personnel who are utilizing VA and tuition assistant educational benefits. NOVA’s Office of Military and Veterans Services (OMVS), the Military, and Program Advisors provide guidance on certification requirements and act as liaisons between NOVA and the Department of Veterans Affairs, while assisting you in your transition from the military to being a student. In addition to you using your educational benefits, the Office of Military and Veterans Services (OMVS) goal and mission is centered on students’ success in their academic studies; which includes making sure each recipient understands the policies and regulations of each benefit.

For more information about the Office of Military and Veterans Services (OMVS), please visit our NOVACares website at




Tip of the Week: Did you know NOVA has a Disability Services Office?

NOVA is committed to ensuring all students have an opportunity to pursue a college education regardless of the presence or absence of a disability. NOVA makes reasonable accommodations in providing course, program and building modification, and/or auxiliary aids and services in compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act (ADAAA) of 2008. No academically qualified student with a disability shall be denied access to or participation in the services, programs and activities of the College.
For more information about Disability Support Service (DSS), please visit our NOVACares website at




October is Domestic Violence Month

Weekly Tip: October is Domestic Violence Month
Domestic Violence Awareness Month occurs during the month of October of every year and is sponsored and managed nationally by the National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV). NOVA’s Sexual Assault Services (SAS) is sponsoring The Clothesline Project at 3 of our campuses this month to honor survivors of sexual and domestic violence. During this month, many participants wear the color purple as a representation of their efforts to help fight against and end domestic violence. Domestic violence is pervasive and may be life-threatening, affecting millions of individuals across our nation regardless of age, economic status, race, religion, or education.
What can you do if you or someone you know is a victim of domestic violence?
• It is important to seek support to understand what your options are and talk about how the incident(s) impacted you. Contact NOVA’s Sexual Assault Services (SAS) by calling or texting 703.338.0834 (24 hours a day) or email to receive support. Domestic Violence is a crime and against the NOVA Code of Student Conduct. For more information on NOVA’s obligation under Title IX to address instances of domestic violence, see the Title IX Policy on Sexual Violence, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence and Stalking.
• You may make a NOVACares report to request assistance at In an emergency, call 911.

Tip of the Week: ULifeLine

Tip of the Week: Learn More about ULifeline

ULifeline is an online resource for college students struggling with mental health issues. Watching a friend struggle emotionally or hurt themselves by abusing drugs and/or alcohol, cutting, or behaving recklessly can be stressful. It’s hard to know what to say or do. But, as a friend, you may notice signs of a problem that others don’t see. Since unaddressed emotional health issues can lead to serious consequences such as addiction, dangerous behaviors, and thoughts of suicide, it’s important that you don’t ignore these signs. Trust your instincts if you have a gut feeling that something is not right with your friend, you should act on it.

Be the difference for a friend by learning the signs of a problem and how to help.

For more information about ULifeline, please visit our NOVACares website at

ULifeline links that may be good resources for you are listed below.

How to Tell if a Friend is Struggling

What You Can Do To Help

How to Talk to a Friend Who is Struggling

Noticing Problems on Facebook & How to Help A Friend

Weekly Tip: Stalking – What is it?

Stalking—Common on College Campuses

Stalking is a pattern of behavior that makes you feel fear. On college campuses, the stalker is often not a stranger to the victim. Four out of five campus victims know their attackers. These perpetrators may have an intimate relationship or close friendship; they may be classmates, co-workers, neighbors, acquaintances or relatives of their victims. Stalkers may have traits such as jealousy, narcissism, obsession, compulsion, manipulation, deception and control.

Stalkers now use more complex methods as well. They often use technology such as GPS, phones, cameras, computers, etc. to facilitate both direct and indirect contact with victims. Stalkers also utilize traditional methods such as following victims or their loved ones. Examples of stalking are:
• receiving numerous unwanted calls, texts or emails
• “coincidental” run-ins with the same individual on multiple occasions
• being followed or watched, either physically or electronically
• finding the same person outside your work, class, or home when you leave or arrive

For more information contact NOVA Sexual Assault Services (SAS) at 703.338.0834 or by email at . For more resources about stalking, please visit

What 2-1-1 Can Do For You?

What 2-1-1 Can Do For You?
2-1-1 is an easy to remember phone number connecting people with free information on available community services. When you dial 2-1-1, a trained professional listens to your situation and suggests sources of help using one of the largest databases of health and human services in Virginia. 2-1-1 VIRGINIA provides access to services in your community and statewide. Government, nonprofit, and community-based agencies, as well as businesses that provide health and human services to the citizens of Virginia are encouraged to list their services. 2-1-1 VIRGINIA is a service of the Virginia Department of Social Services provided in partnership with the Council of Community Services, The Planning Council, the United Way of Central Virginia, and the United Way of Greater Richmond & Petersburg.
All referrals are confidential and you can search for these same services by clicking on the NOVACares link below.

Volunteer with SAS!

Join the Team by Volunteering with NOVA Sexual Assault Services (SAS)!!!
NOVA SAS is a program within the NOVACares office. As part of our commitment to the safety and well-being of our college community, the SAS program aims to address the issues of sexual assault, stalking and dating/partner violence. NOVA SAS offers many volunteer opportunities. Volunteering with NOVA SAS may help you:
• Gain and raise awareness of sexual assault, dating/partner violence, and stalking
• Become part of the solution by raising awareness of these issues
• Show support to those at NOVA who have been victimized
• Give back to the NOVA community
• Gain service hours

To apply please contact Connie Kirkland (NOVACares/SAS Director) at (703) 323-2136 or by email at

For more information about NOVACares/SAS volunteering, please visit our website at

Tip of the Week: Looking Out for Others

Looking Out for Others

Fellow students look out for one another through hard times and stressful situations. If you see something as a bystander going on with your fellow student that is not right or out of place, please speak up and say something about it. Speaking up may prevent or identify any such behaviors that may be occurring.
Please report an incident using the online NOVACares Reporting Form by clicking on this link: . The NOVACares Program receives and assesses all reports submitted to the NOVACares Office for urgency and severity and assigns the reports to appropriate parties for review and intervention. The NOVACares database assesses and documents reports of violations of academic integrity, concerning behavior, violations of NOVA’s employee or student handbooks (disciplinary or conduct violations), criminal incidents and sexual misconduct/Title IX incidents. FYI reports are also accepted.
For more information or assistance please contact The NOVACares Office which offers two programs: NOVACares and Sexual Assault Services (SAS). NOVACares website . NOVA Sexual Assault Services at or call 703.338.0834. If someone is in immediate danger call 9-1-1 or NOVA Police at 703.764.5000. To learn more about bystander intervention visit:

Tip of the Week: Stress Management. Welcome Back!

Ready for the Fall Semester?  Ways to Cope with Stress
As the semester begins, new and current students returning to school might experience high stress levels due to changing routines such as a new class environment. Some signs of stress are an inability to maintain focus or concentration, agitation and concerns about doing well or fitting in. To help you reduce your stress and increase your motivation–take a deep breath inhaling and exhaling slowly, relax your shoulders, close your eyes for a few seconds and think about a place that makes you very happy. Exercising (being active) can also help you maintain a healthy stress level. Lifting weights at the gym, stretching exercises, cardio workouts such as pullups, dips, sit-ups, jumping jacks, pushups, and jogging can help a student be less tense and regain motivation, self-confidence, and memory which can help with exams, playing music, and sports.
Half of Us is a website devoted to college students who are experiencing stressors and emotional challenges that often come with campus life.
For information go to NOVACares website at

Welcome Back! Tip of the Week: Personal Safety

Shared from NOVA Police Newsletter: Personal Safety Tips

The following are tips that can help you avoid becoming a victim of a crime when you are out and about, or working at your job. By taking a few simple precautions, you can reduce the risk to yourself, and also discourage those who commit crimes. Burglars, robbers, and thieves seek primarily to remove cash or property. Many such intruders are capable of harming people with little provocation, so whether at work, at home, or out on the street, these precautions should be taken.
Stay Safe with LiveSafe
 Download LiveSafe, NOVA’s free mobile safety app, through the iTunes or Google Play store. LiveSafe allows you to text issues of concern or request emergency calls for service directly to NOVA’s police, and do so anonymously if you wish. You will also have critical safety information at your fingertips. See .


At Home:
 Become familiar with your neighborhood.
 Always leave your headlights on when arriving home after dark until you have unlocked the garage door, or unlocked the front door.
 When arriving home by private auto or taxi, ask the driver to wait unto you are safely inside.
 Have the door key in your hand so you can open the door immediately when you return home.
 If you are a woman, list only your first initial and last name on the mailbox, or in the telephone directory.
 When moving into a new apartment or residence, ALWAYS have the locks re-keyed, or changed.
 Do not hide a spare key. Burglars know where to look. Leave it with a neighbor.
 Keep doors locked at all times.
 Never give out personal information over the telephone.
 Know who is at your door before opening it. Wide angle door viewers (180 degrees or 190 degrees) enable you to identify the visitor. You can see the person, that person can’t see you.
 Never rely on chain locks. They are a privacy lock, but not a security lock.
 Never dress in front of windows, always close your drapes.
 Never let anyone into your home without proper identification. Don’t be afraid to ask for identification.
 Never let strangers into your home to use the telephone. Make the call for them while they wait outside.
 Always leave outside lights on after dark, or use motion lights.
 If you receive a wrong number phone call, don’t give out your name or phone number.
 If you receive an obscene phone call, hang up and call police.
 In an apartment building, NEVER be alone in the laundry room.
 If you suspect anyone is in your house, do not go in. Go to a neighbor and call the police.
 Keep shrubs/bushes trimmed. Avoid allowing anything to obscure visibility of windows from the street.
 If you see or hear anything suspicious, call the police.
 Have a list of emergency telephone numbers near each telephone.

At Places of Business:
 Opening the business: Have two employees together meet to unlock the business. One should stay outside, while the other checks the interior. After clearing, both may enter.
 Closing the Business: Employees should accompany each other to their vehicles– especially at night. If this is not possible, perhaps a security guard for the shopping center can escort the last employee to his/her car.
 Bank Deposits: Making bank deposits alone can be dangerous. Employees making deposits should always go in pairs. If you are alone, vary deposit times and carry the deposit inside a purse or a plain bag. Do not use a bank bag or a bag with a name on it. Never make deposits after closing, as this is an obvious for hold-ups.
 Taking out the trash: Doing this in pairs is much safer, both for the employees and the business.
 Panic buttons: Install panic buttons at the front counter. Make sure there are phones near both front and rear entrances.
 Controlling Access: This enhances personal security. Keep secondary exits locked. Limit access to secondary exits by non-employees by having doors alarmed and labeled “EMERGENCY EXIT ONLY” or limit access to the area around the door.
 Keep Restrooms Locked: Be in control of access to restrooms, storage areas, etc. This prevents assailants from hiding in waiting and “breakouts.”
 ID Badges for Access Control: T hey are only as good as the enforcement of the policy.
 Visibility: This increases safety. Keep parking and walking areas well lit, and keep the area around the building clear of debris. Stacks of boxes and pallets can be hiding places for assailants. Install mirrors or Closed Circuit TV in rooms with blind corners and in enclosed parking facilities.

Help Keep Employees Safe:
 Keep buildings locked whenever public access is not necessary.
 Watch for suspicious persons (persons not having legitimate business.)
 If you think you are being followed, find other people. Use the “buddy” system.
 Take access control policies seriously.
 If a confrontation occurs:
o Don’t be a hero. Do nothing to risk your personal safety.
o Consider all guns, or threat of guns, as loaded weapons.
o Activate alarms only if you can do so without detection.
o Attempt to alert co-workers only if you can do so safely.
o Follow directions exactly, without volunteering.
o Without seeming obvious, study attacker’s distinguishing features.

While You Are Out:
 Always have a plan.
 Do not walk (or drive) with headphones or while texting.
 Only carry as much money as you need for the day.
 If you must use an ATM, only use it during the day, do not stand at the ATM and count your money, and only use ATMs located in public/well lit areas.
 Try NOT to go out alone at night. Avoid unfamiliar areas, if possible. Walk in a group if possible.
o Request an escort from campus police.
o Tell friends and family about your travel plans, places to be visited, and expected arrival times.
 Don’t take shortcuts: don’t walk in or near alleys, and don’t walk on dark or deserted streets.
 Use caution in parking lots, and don’t walk in poorly lighted areas, or dark doorways, or near shrubbery.
 Don’t accept rides from strangers, and don’t respond to comments from strangers on the street.
 Don’t get into an empty elevator with a stranger. If you do ride with another person, stand near the control panel and if attacked, press as many of the control buttons as possible.
 Don’t hitchhike. If someone suspicious is following you, cross the street and walk into an open business.
 Watch your surroundings and be alert for suspicious persons, especially around banks, stores, street, your car, or home.
 Do not avert your eyes. Be confident. Predators choose the weak.
 If you are alone at work after business hours, keep the door locked.
 If you work late, ask the security guard or a co-worker to walk you to your car.
 Do not go into stairwells alone.
 When meeting a new friend, exchange phone numbers only, not addresses. On a first date, let family and friends know where you are going. Consider a daytime meeting rather than a night meeting, for a first date, and meet in a public place.
 It is never a good idea to go to a nightclub alone, and if you do, provide your own transportation.
 Keep your space – Intimate space: 0 – 1.5 feet, Personal space: 1.5 – 4 feet; Social space: 4 – 12 feet; Public space: 12 feet or more.
 Don’t allow alcohol or drugs to impair your judgment. If you haven’t already set a few social standards, do so and stick to them. Don’t allow an overly aggressive pursuer to change your mind.

In Your Automobile:
 Never pickup hitchhikers.
 Keep your vehicle locked at all times.
 Don’t park in the dark.
 Never leave your keys, registration, important documents, money or credit cards in the car.
o Lock these items in your trunk, out of sight, if you cannot carry them with you.
 Never allow another vehicle to follow you home.
 Have your keys in hand so you can open the car door without delay.
 Always keep your car in gear when stopped at a traffic signal or stop sign, so if threatened in any way, you can quickly drive away.
 Have an emergency kit in your car.
 If your car breaks down, do not accept a ride from a Samaritan who stops to help. Have him call for help.
 Always check the back seat of your car before getting in.
 If you stop to aid others, do not get out of the car. Ask what the problem is, and go to the nearest phone and call the police.
 Always lock your doors while driving.
 Always prearrange meeting with anyone so you do not have to wait alone.
 If you are being stopped by police, put on your flashing lights and pull into a well-lit and populated area. The police will understand you concern for safety.

Riding the Bus or Trolley:
 During off hours, ride as near the operator as possible.
 If you are going to be out late, make sure you have cab fare.
 If someone on the bus bothers you, change seats and tell the operator.
 Have your fare or pass ready in hand when boarding the bus.
 At night avoid dark and isolated intersections or stops.
 Look around when getting off the bus or trolley, and be aware of people around you.
If You Are Attacked
 Use common sense. Try to negotiate, stall for time, and talk your way out of it.
 Be verbally assertive.
 Distract or divert the assailant, then flee. Run toward an open business or a group of people. Hide if you get the opportunity.
 Scream loudly and keep it up to attract attention and help from nearby people.
 If the attacker threatens you with a deadly weapon, and you come out of it alive, you took the proper course of action. During an armed attack, you must decide the proper course of action. There is no hard and fast rule as to self defense. You must consider your physical capabilities, your location, and your perceived chances of success. If you cannot escape, bide your time and look for another opportunity, a half-hearted attempt could be worse than no attempt at all.
 Notify The Police immediately, when you get the opportunity, and if there are witnesses, ask them to stay until police arrive.
 Provide as much detail of suspicious persons as possible.
 It is not advisable to carry guns, clubs, knives, or chemical sprays. It is illegal to carry some of these weapons, and they could be used against you.
 Finally, if a crime occurs, report it, remembering no fact is too trivial. Your report will help the police to assign officers in the places where crimes occur or where they are most likely to occur. If you don’t report a crime, you allow criminals to keep operating without interference.

Purse Protection:
 If at all possible, don’t carry a purse.
 Never leave purses, backpacks or other belongings unattended.
 When possible, carry your wallet, keys, and other valuables on your person, or in an inside pocket, or other suitable place, rather than your purse. Your purse should be used to carry brushes, combs, make-up, etc.
 Credit cards and checks should be carried instead of cash. Maintain a record of the account numbers at home. Practice carrying only the cards you will be using.
 Carry a shoulder bag securely between your arm and body away from traffic.
 If you are wearing a coat, carry a purse worn over the shoulder, but under the coat.
 Watch your surroundings. Be alert for suspicious persons especially around banks, stores, streets, and your home.
 At night, stay in well-lighted areas and avoid walking close to shrubbery, dark doorways, or other places of concealment.
 Practice the “buddy system”, and shop with a friend when possible. When walking in twos, place your purse between you and your friend.
 Carry a clutch bag un-snapped and upside down between your arm and body with any valuables in the zippered compartment. If someone attempts to steal your purse, loosen your grip, thus allowing the contents to fall to the ground.
 Consider “fanny packs” whenever possible.
 If you are attacked, don’t struggle. Your purse can easily be replaced; you can’t be. If there is a witness, ask that person to stay until police arrive.
 Notify police immediately after an attack -911.
Don’t . . .
 Don’t carry large amounts of money. The first rule is to limit your losses.
 Don’t carry more than you can easily afford to lose. Many purse snatches are committed solely to finance narcotic addictions.
 Don’t carry unnecessary valuables in your purse. Avoid being ostentatious.
 Don’t let your purse hang loosely in your hand.
 Don’t carry a lethal weapon; it could be used against you.
 Don’t fight. Surrender your purse.
 Don’t announce your vacation plans on social media.