All posts by Monica Chenault

Program Manager for Office of Student Mental Health and Behavior. Managing NOVACares and NOVA SAS.

Tip of the Week

Academic Support Services

If you are a new student or have questions, a counselor will help guide you through the sometimes confusing administrative procedures and requirements. All NOVA campuses have counselors available by appointment or walk-in.

Academic advising helps you to plan a program that will meet your educational objectives. If you cannot come to campus to meet with your advisor, Online Virtual Advising is available to you.

For more information:

Tip of the Week: Grief Support Resources (For July 4th week!)

Individual and group therapy can enormously help individuals deal with grief. No one has a magic formula for “fixing” grief, but it is often helpful to be with others who deeply understand how you are feeling. Many people feel shy about joining a Grief Group, but support groups are a time-tested method of helping people struggling with all sorts of difficulties. A Grief group can provide members with validation and understanding of the intensity of their experience. It can combat isolation by providing members with a compassionate community that will support them in their struggle, while allowing members the opportunity to share their strengths and coping strategies. This sharing provides affirmation and hope that one can survive loss.
Benefits of a Grief Group
• Realizing you’re not alone
• Making connections
• Expressing your feelings
• Learning helpful information
• Gaining hope and strength
• Reducing distress
To learn more please visit:…/w…/uploads/2016/11/Greif-support-pic.png

Tip of the Week: Managing Stress

Manage Your Stress the Right Way!
All of us can get stressed from time to time but it’s important to learn healthy coping strategies. Stress can affect us in many different ways. By learning coping strategies, you can learn how to reduce stress and gain your self-confidence back!
Below are common signs of stress:
• Trouble sleeping
• Headaches
• Stomach ache
• Depression
• Impatience
• Easily irritated
• Inability to focus
• High blood pressure
• Chest pain
• Poor concentration
• Anxiety
• Fatigue
If you are experiencing any of those signs, then please read the strategies below that you can use every day to deal with your stress:
• Breathe deeply
• Eat well-balanced meals
• Have a positive attitude
• Exercise–even a little bit
• Manage your time
• Listen to music
• Laugh
• Hot baths
• Mediation
• Yoga
• Massage
• Get enough sleep
• Talk to someone
To learn more please visit:




Tip of the Week: Suicide Prevention

Support Suicide Prevention!
People who have suicidal thoughts rarely ask for help but that doesn’t mean these individuals don’t want help. Suicide has become a desperate way out for some individuals who find it difficult to deal with pain. Suicide Prevention starts by knowing the warning signs.

Warning Signs of Suicide:
• Clinical Depression
• Talking/writing about committing suicide
• Increased substance abuse
• Withdrawal from friends and family
• Calling or visiting people to say goodbye
• Writing a will
• Experiencing dramatic mood changes
• Losing interest in activities
• Making comments such as “I want out” or “It would be better if I wasn’t here”
• Feeling hopeless
Visit the website:

Why Call Crisis Link Hotline?
• talk with someone who cares about you
• talk with an empathic person if you feel you might be in danger of hurting yourself
• find referrals to mental health and other community services
• get ideas and tips about how to help someone you’re concerned about
To learn more please visit:

Tip of the Week: Human Trafficking Awareness

Human Trafficking Still Exists Today!

Human trafficking is a modern-day form of slavery involving
the illegal trade of people for exploitation or commercial gain.

Every year, millions of men, women and children are trafficked in countries around the world, including the United States. It is estimated that human trafficking generates billions of dollars of profit per year, second only to drug trafficking as the most profitable form of transnational crime.

Human trafficking is a hidden crime as victims rarely come forward to seek help because of language barriers, fear of the traffickers and/or fear of law enforcement.
Traffickers use force, fraud or coercion to lure their victims and force them into labor or commercial sexual exploitation. They look for people who are susceptible for a variety of reasons, including psychological or emotional vulnerability, economic hardship, and lack of a social safety net, natural disasters or political instability. The trauma caused by the traffickers can be so great that many may not identify themselves as victims or ask for help, even in highly public settings.
To learn more please visit:





Tip of the Week: LGBTQ Awareness

LGBTQ Awareness: Happy Pride Month!
Since 2000 June has been declared as Pride Month. NOVACares completely supports it!
NOVA is committed to providing a safe, inclusive and diverse environment for our students to achieve their academic goals. We hope that our students and staff take advantage of LGBTQ support and resources both on and off campus. There are some clubs at various NOVA Campuses; please ask your campus Student Life office for information.

To learn more please visit:


Tip of the Week: Have an Issue with Alcohol/Drugs?

Have an Issue with Alcohol/Drugs?

If you or someone you know has a problem with alcohol or drugs, contact your campus counseling center to help connect you or your friend with a therapist, group counseling or rehab program. Appropriate medical treatment may be necessary if someone is suffering from withdrawal. Substance use can seriously impair judgment and suicidal thoughts can be very real. Seek help immediately if you or a friend is showing signs of suicidal behavior.
Substance abuse can be treated. Treatment programs use both counseling and medications to help people stop abusing substances and rebuild their lives.
If you or a friend is struggling with substance abuse then please visit:
Make sure to click on “Alcohol/Drugs – Education & Intervention”
For additional information:

Tip of the Week: Signs of Depression

Signs of Depression
Depression is a common mood disorder that can affect a person’s feelings, thoughts and body. People occasionally do feel sadness but it’s only for a brief time. With depression, it’s constant and it can interfere with your everyday life.
Experiencing signs of depression? If you think you are depressed then remember you are not alone and that you have the option to seek help. You can always reach out to NOVACares by filling out the NOVACares report.
People with depression may experience:
o Loss of interest
o Hopelessness
o Irregular sleep
o Concentration problems
o Feelings of guilt
o Insomnia
o Fatigue
o Weight loss or weight gain
o Suicidal thoughts
o Mood swings
o Constant sadness
o Restless sleep

For more information go to:

Tip of the Week: Cyberstalking

Protect Yourself from Cyberstalking!

Cyberstalking is an active crime where a perpetrators use electronic communications to stalk and harass their victims.

If you think you are being stalked online then be sure to tell someone. Make sure to have a copy of the messages/pictures from the cyber stalker. You can always contact NOVA’s Sexual Assault Services (SAS) by calling or texting 703-338-0834 (24 hours a day) or email for support and assistance. Contact NOVA College Police at 703-764-5000 to make an official report. Stay safe!

Cyberstalking has become quite the problem today. Here are some ways to stay safer online:
1. Make sure to have a strong password (Symbols, Numbers, and Capitals)
2. NEVER share your passwords with anyone
3. Change your passwords every few months
4. Don’t use the same password for different accounts
5. Don’t share any personal information online
6. Make sure to log out of your social media
8. Don’t accept friend requests from strangers
9. Always be cautious about what you post