The Next Fab Lab Design Challenge is Here!

The Challenge

Fabricate an innovative product or enhance an existing product designed specifically for the human head.


Ready to dive into a head-spinning adventure? Your mission is to create or revamp a product that’s all about the noggin! Whether you’re thinking helmets, headpieces, or any bold and imaginative concept that honors the human head, we want to see your wildest ideas come to life.

 Design Categories: 

  • Protection: Imagine next-gen gear to keep our heads safe in any situation—be it work, sports, or even during extreme weather! What will make your design stand out?
  • Medical: Innovate headgear with a focus on health and comfort. From dental headgear to other medical necessities, how can your design improve patient care?
  • Fashion Forward: Let your creativity shine with headgear that’s all about making a fashion statement. How will your design turn heads and set trends?
  • Status Symbol: Create or upgrade a headpiece that exudes elegance and prestige. Think crowns, tiaras, or any symbol of high status. How will your design make a statement?
  • Hair Containment: Design a stylish yet functional way to manage and showcase hair. From sleek to quirky, what’s your solution for hair-taming?

Who’s Eligible?

To be eligible, participants must be current students residing in the continental U.S. The competition will feature two age divisions: 10-15 years old and 16 and up.


September 1st – Design Submission Portal Opens
November 17th – Design Submission Portal Closes at 11:59pm November 17th – Finalists Announced
December 13th – Awards Ceremony


Division Champions – $500
Division Runner-up – $250
Division Honorable Mention – $100

*Divisions are 10-15 years old and 16+.

How to Submit:

All entries must be submitted online. You will submit your product design digitally using the Entry Form. If chosen as a finalist, fabricated product must be delivered to NOVA Manassas Campus.

Entry Form:

The Entry Form will walk you through the required components which will include:

  • Name of product
  • Written description of your intended user and the purpose of your design (maximum 500 words).
  •  Documentation of your completed instrument
    • QTY 3-5: high-quality, still, color, digital images of your finished headwear (jpeg, jpg, tif, tiff, png, pdf)
    • Preferably on a neutral (white, grey, black) background
    • Multiple views are suggested (top, front, side, perspective, etc.)
  • Video documentation demonstrating  headwear being worn by the intended user
    • 15-30 second (mp4, mov)(160 MB max)
  • Evidence of fabrication
    • QTY 3-5: high-quality photos documenting your production and fabrication techniques and process. (jpeg, jpg, tif, tiff, png, pdf).
    • Should span the process from beginning to end

Note: Any uploaded files must be PDF, JPEG, PNG, STL, OBJ, SVG, DOC, DOCX file types.

 Judging Criteria:

 Functionality: Consider the practical aspects of headgear. How does your design enhance performance, provide protection, or address specific needs? Think about features such as weather resistance, ergonomics, or technology integration.

Aesthetics: Balance form and function. How does your design stand out visually? Explore materials, colors, and shapes that make your headgear not only functional but also fashionable and distinctive.

Innovation: Push the envelope with creative solutions. Incorporate new technologies, materials, or design techniques. How does your design reflect cutting-edge trends or offer new possibilities in headgear design?

Target Audience: Identify and cater to a specific user. Whether it’s an athlete, fashion enthusiast, outdoor adventurer, or everyday user, ensure your design meets their unique needs and preferences.

Sustainability: Consider the environmental impact of your design. Use eco-friendly materials and processes wherever possible and address the lifecycle of your headgear.

 Scoring Rubric                                                                100 Pts Total 

Functionality                                                                                    30

Aesthetics                                                                                          20                                           

Innovation                                                                                          20

Target Audience                                                                              20

Sustainability                                                                                    10


Should the headwear be designed for me?

You’re welcome to design headwear tailored to your own needs and preferences. Alternatively, you can also create something for another person with a specific requirement or purpose in mind. The choice is yours!

Can I recreate traditional religious or ceremonial headwear?

Yes, but please ensure that your design is approached with respect and sensitivity towards the cultural and religious significance of the original. We encourage creativity while maintaining a respectful attitude towards the traditions you’re inspired by.

What materials can I use?

Practically anything! Consider the wearer, the intended functionality, and design accordingly. If you don’t have access to specific materials, choose an alternative that best represents your vision. (For example, if you’re designing a helmet meant to be metal, you might use cardboard or 3D print it and then apply a faux metal finish.) Feel free to experiment with unconventional materials and textures to push the boundaries of traditional headwear.

Does scale matter?

No, the size of your design should be determined by the function you want it to serve.

How will I demonstrate the functionality? 

For the online submission, you must provide photographs of your headwear and a brief video showcasing the design being worn by yourself or the intended person. If you are chosen as a finalist, you will be required to present your design in person at the Awards Ceremony.


  1. The Challenge is open to students 10+ years old and above including post-secondary educational institute within the continental USA.
  2. Participants must be 18 years or older or provide consent by a parent or guardian over the age of 18.
  3. Participation is open to individuals, or teams with no more than 3 members.
  4. Only 1 entry per person is permitted regardless of whether they enter as an individual or a team. If a participant enters one design as an individual, and a second as a team, the individual entry will be disqualified.
  5. The Challenge is not open to; any persons employed as a professional in 3D printing, employees of Northern Virginia Community College, judges or any of their families, and employees and families of the NOVA Annual Design Challenge sponsors.
  6. Judges will select finalists from the online submissions. These finalists will then be asked to deliver and leave their fabricated designs at the Fab Lab for in-person judging.
  7. Once judging has been completed, an awards ceremony and exhibit of all the physical entries will be held for competitors, winners, VIPs, guests, and judges.
  8. Competitors presenting work that is not their own will be disqualified.


  • Agree to be bound by the decisions of the judges.
  • Warrant that you are eligible to participate.
  • Warrant, to the best of your knowledge, your work is not, and has not been in production or otherwise previously published or exhibited.
  • Warrant neither the work nor its use infringes the intellectual property rights (whether a patent, utility model, functional design right, aesthetic design right, trademark, copyright, or any other intellectual property right) of any other person.
  • Warrant that your design is respectful and considerate of all cultures. Designs that are deemed offensive or disrespectful will not be accepted.
  • Warrant participation shall not constitute employment, assignment or offer of employment, or assignment.
  • Agree participation does not entitle compensation or reimbursement for any costs.
  • Agree Northern Virginia Community College and all affiliates have the right to promote all entries and winners.
  • Winners will be contacted by NOVA Fab Lab staff to get their contact information and any other information needed.
  • Winning Product will be chosen based on the Rules and Requirements.
  • Winning individuals or teams will be required to collect prize(s) at the NOVA Manassas campus during award ceremony.
  • Winners agree to the NOVA Community College Image release

For additional information visit the Design Challenge website or send questions via email to; (use the subject heading “2024 Fabrication Challenge”) 

FREE Design Challenge Resources and Workshops

Fabrication Workshop (10-15 Years Old). Sat, Sept 28, 9-11am

For participants interested in learning various hand-building techniques, the workshops will include demonstrations and hands-on activities covering cardboard methods, paper-mâché form-building, and wire crafting. (Please note: A parent or guardian must be in attendance).

Fabrication Workshop (16+ Years Old). Sat, Oct 12, 9am-11am 

For participants interested in learning to transform two-dimensional materials into three-dimensional objects. The workshops will include demonstrations and hands-on activities covering cardboard construction techniques and laser cutting.

TinkerCAD (10-15 Years Old). Sat, Oct 26, 9am-11am 

For participants wanting to transform their idea into a 3D digital format: Join an in-person TinkerCAD workshop to learn the basic tools and user interface of Autodesk’s free online CAD program. (Please note: A parent or guardian must be in attendance.)

Fusion360 Workshop (16+ Years Old). Sat, Nov 9, 9am-11am

For participants wanting to transform their idea into a 3D digital format: Join an in-person workshop to learn the basic tools and user interface of Fusion360. (Free software download available with .edu email.)

Participate in one or both workshops to enhance your fabrication skills! Register here

Educator/Classroom Informational Sessions via Zoom

Register for a 15 minute-long Design Challenge info session on any Wednesday from October 9th – October 23rd, 2024, at 2:30 or 3:30PM. Feel free to project us on a big screen to present to your class or group. Register Here.

Educator Reference Guide

Download our educator reference guide for various ways to implement the Design Challenge in your classroom.

Download Educator Reference Guide