Our team was on-point with presentations and exhibits at the ATE Principal Investigators’ Conference #ATEPI in Washington, D.C. this week, extolling the various National Science Foundation (NSF) funded grants that have provided us with vital avenues to expand technical education to help meet the need to fill #InDemandTech jobs and careers.
DCO PD (Data Center Operations Program Development), intended to raise awareness for the national need for data center operations education and to increase capacity for DCO education at community colleges and technical colleges around the nation.
DCO Tech (Data Center Operations Technology Training), designed to increase regional capacity for training in Engineering Technology and Data Center Operations through expanded recruitment, employment training, and increased collaboration between industry, K-12 educators, and faculty.
MBD (Makers By Design), created to strengthen the engineering technology pathways by providing professional learning for K-12 teachers, running digital fabrication summer camps, and hosting design challenges.
PDI (Product Design Incubator), established to train groups of community college students through a product design challenge, integrating entrepreneurship training and design thinking to guide students from initial ideation through the prototyping and pitch processes.
Read more about these grants and opportunities for fellowships, training, and more at https://lnkd.in/gyGpU22v
The ATE PI conference brings together more than 800 NSF ATE grantees and their project partners to focus on the critical issues related to advanced technological education. Conference participants represent community colleges, business and industry, secondary school systems, and four-year colleges covering projects in a wide variety of areas, such as information technology, engineering technology, micro- and nanotechnologies, chemical technology, biotechnology, and others.
This month 18 Prince William County Schools Career Counselors and Advisors attended an information session, led by NOVA SySTEMic STEM Coordinator, Natasha Shah-Nuhfer, at the NOVA Fab Lab to learn about NOVA’s Engineering Technology and Data Center Operations programs as part of the DCO Tech Secondary Educator Externship Program.
Following the information session, they received a tour of the Engineering Technology classrooms and the Fab Lab. This visit was the first of four information sessions and tours planned for the school year.
In December, the group will visit the Medical Education Campus in Springfield to learn about NOVA’s nursing and health science programs ahead of the spring application deadlines.
Participants will finish out the externship in the spring with a tour of Micron and a local data center.
The DCO Tech Secondary Educator Externship Program is an NSF ATE-funded project to improve the pipeline of students prepared to enter the workforce as technicians for data center operations or engineering technology by providing educators, counselors, and administrators with first-hand knowledge of these career pathways through industry site visits and engagement with NOVA’s related programs of study.
Applications for the 2024 Externship will be open in January 2024 at http://iet.novastem.us/Externship
Click herefor more info or contact Natasha Shuh-Nuhfer at nschuhnuhfer@nvcc.edu
The DCO Tech Secondary Externship Program for secondary educators and career counselors is grounded in the necessity to guide students into successful, in-demand tech careers.
A major component of the externship is visiting these state-of-the-art engineering technology and data center facilities to bring first-hand visuals of daily operations and knowledge gained on-site back to their classrooms.
Eighteen educators and counselors from Arlington Public Schools, Fairfax County, Loudoun County, and Prince William County Public Schools participated in industry tours in April and May to Data Centers such as CoreSite,Equinix,Iron Mountain,QTS, and STACK Infrastructure, as well as Lockheed Martin and Micron Technology. These companies are thoroughly invested in the formation of tech career pathways and provided informative tours of their facilities while fielding questions about careers in the industry.
The NSF-funded externship began in March with an introduction to NOVA’s Engineering Technology and Data Center Operations degree programs, and will conclude in July with a tour of the NOVA Fab Lab where educators will begin to work on their Plan of Action to take back what they have learned to their schools and their students.
Action Plans submitted from last year’s cohort resulted in NOVA SySTEMic school presentations, class field trips to NOVA campuses, and industry site visits by educators and their students.
Applications for 2024 Externships will be open next January. They will be announced in our newsletter and through NOVA IET Twitter and LinkedIn.
For more about Engineering Technology and Data Center Operations at NOVA, click here
NOVA’s DCO Tech Grant will be highlighted at the NSF ATE Principal Investigators’ Conference in October.
On October 26-28, NOVA SySTEMic director Josh Labrie and Stack Infrastructure’s VP (and NOVA professor) TJ Ciccone will present DCO Tech at the National Science Foundation (NSF) Advanced Technological Education (ATE) Principal Investigators’ (PI) Conference in Washington D.C. The conference will bring together more than 850 NSF ATE grantees and their project partners to focus on the critical issues related to advanced technological education.
NOVA’s DCO Tech Grant supports NOVA’s Engineering Tech Programs and is designed to increase regional capacity for training in Engineering Technology (ET) and Data Center Operations (DCO) through expanded recruitment, employment, training, and increased collaboration between industry, K-12 educators, and faculty.
This year, as part of DCO Tech, NOVA SySTEMic conducted successful Bridge Programs for high school juniors and seniors (bridging the gap between HS and college), and introduced students to Data Center Operations and Engineering Technology. Bridge students toured 2 NOVA campuses, visited industry partners (Micron and STACK Infrastructure) and conducted hands-on activities at NOVA’s mechatronics and data center labs. The program featured guest speakers from NOVA’s student support offices, IET faculty members, and industry volunteers. 20 high school students completed the 2-week program and earned 1 college credit with the opportunity to earn their OSHA 10 certification. NOVA provided free transportation between NOVA campuses to reduce barriers to participation.
One of the hallmarks of DCO Tech’s Bridge programs is that they can improve attitudes towards STEM disciplines and awareness of career opportunities. One student reflected “I really enjoyed building connections and understanding the different fields of STEM. I never understood data centers in this depth. I’m very glad it’s in-person and we get to see NOVA campuses.”
In addition, DCO Tech helps provide career readiness for NOVA students through the Career and Leadership Readiness Institute (CLRI), which enhances leadership skills and develops career connections, teaching students how to interview, create a standout resume, network effectively, and manage interpersonal skills. Students who complete CLRI will receive priority consideration for paid internships with industry partners. New CLRI courses begin on Oct 18 and you can sign up for info sessions on Oct 4, 6, and 11. Applications are due on October 12. Find out more and sign up at https://www.nvcc.edu/career-services/clri.html
Another component of DCO Tech is the K12 Educator Externship, which raises awareness for Engineering Technology and Data Center Operations career pathways among secondary educators. This Engineering Technology Externship is designed to provide teachers, counselors, and administrators with first-hand knowledge of engineering technology and data center operations through industry site visits and engagement with NOVA’s related programs of study. This year we had 18 externship completers who visited Micron Technology, Stack Infrastructure, and NOVA’s Fab Lab to help inform them on creating an action plan to improve the pipeline of students entering the workforce as technicians for DCO or Engineering Technology. In polling, 100% of participants rated the overall externship as above average or excellent. All participants expressed moderate to very confident abilities in educating their colleagues on guiding students to ET and DCO careers.
One educator said “we were given a clear picture of the type of student that would succeed in this industry, the skillsets needed, along with the curriculum. This, along with actually touring the facility, increased my awareness and as such, I feel more confident in sharing this with students, parents, and teachers.”
**We will be continuing the Summer Bridge Programs and Secondary Educator Externship Programs in 2023. Complete this form to be notified when registration is live. You can also sign up for the monthly NOVA IET newsletter which will have details about the 2023 programs as soon as they are available.
Bearded Black IT Engineer Standing and Posing with Crossed Arms in the Middle of a Working Data Center Server Room with Server Computers Working on a Rack.
DCO Tech: Expanding Regional Capacity for Training in Engineering Technology and Data Center Operations
Awarded in July 2021, the NSF Advanced Technological Education grant supports NOVA’s Engineering Tech Programs. DCO Tech is designed to increase regional capacity for training in Engineering Technology and Data Center Operations through expanded recruitment, employment training, and increased collaboration between industry, K-12 educators, and faculty.
NOVA’s Engineering Technology program offers 2-year Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S.) and 1-year Career Study Certificates (C.S.C.), as well as a Data Center Operations specialization.
Northern Virginia is the largest data center market in the United States and is forecast to continue growing. Additionally, Micron Technology has committed to a $3B expansion of its regional manufacturing capacity. DCO Tech is partnering with employers to meet the demand for engineering technicians.
What the NSF DCO Tech Grant Supports:
Bridge Programs for High School Juniors and Seniors
Through the DCO Tech Grant, NOVA IET offers FREE 2-week summer bridge programs to help juniors and seniors get ready for college. During these programs, students receive an introduction to one of three in-demand technology fields: Computer Science, Information Technology, or Engineering Technology, tour at regional employers, and meet NOVA faculty, students, and staff. Bridge students will gain critical skills and have the opportunity to receive college credit.
>> For secondary school CTE administrators, teachers, and/or counselors who are interested in guiding students into a successful tech career.
This externship equips educators to build awareness for Engineering Technology (ET) and Data Center Operations (DCO) careers in the region and the educational pathways NOVA provides to prepare students for these in-demand and high-wage careers. Educator Externship participants receive a stipend after completing the following activities:
Attend an industry tour of Micron Technology, where attendees will see the daily operations and gain insight into career opportunities in Engineering Technology.
Attend an industry tour of a data center, which will provide first-hand visuals of a data center’s daily operations. There will also be a presentation on data center careers and opportunities.
Attend a tour/professional development day at the NOVA Manassas Fab Lab. The goal is to create clear pathways and provide materials to guide high school students into NOVA’s Engineering Technology and Data Center Operations programs.
>> For engineering technology professionals and data center technicians to inspire the next generation of engineering technicians.
This externship engages professionals in the Engineering Technology industry to support high school students who are learning about technician careers, and equips professionals to teach NOVA’s engineering tech programs. Industry Externship participants receive a stipend after completing the following activities:
An introduction to NOVA’s engineering technology programs and facilities.
Learn credentials required to teach as an adjunct instructor at NOVA and explore the pathways to becoming a credentialed engineering technology or data center operations faculty member.
Develop and deliver two lessons for the summer bridge program to inspire high school students to pursue careers in Engineering Technology.
Participants will attend an in-person professional development session at the NOVA Fab Lab (NOVA Manassas Trailside Building) where they will create their lesson presentation for NOVA’s Engineering Tech Summer Bridge Program.
Internships with the Career and Leadership Readiness Institute (CLRI)
>> More information about CLRI Internships supported by the DCO Tech Grant coming soon
>> More information about DCO Tech Veteran Programs supported by the DCO Tech Grant coming soon
NOVA Academic Programs Supported by the DCO Tech Grant:
Click Here for more info about Engineering Technology at NOVA Click Here for more info about Data Center Operations at NOVA
Supporting Technology Programs at NOVA
NOVA IET: NOVA’s Information and Engineering Technology Program. Learn more about Information Technology, Engineering Technology, Data Center Operations, Cybersecurity, Information Systems Technology, and Cloud Computing https://www.nvcc.edu/iet.
NOVA SySTEMic: NOVA’s STEM Program to equip students for in-demand technology careers and expand regional capacity for STEM talent. Learn more about STEM Careers, NOVA Fab Lab activities, Summer Bridge Programs (in Computer Science, Information Technology, and Engineering Technology), STEM Camps, Teacher Professional Development, STEM Competitions, Expos, and more: https://www.nvcc.edu/systemic
Engineering technology teachers, counselors, and administrators had the opportunity to tour Micron and Stack Infrastructure this month as part of a NOVA Secondary Educator Externship to help guide students into Engineering Technology careers. There are more tours available for June.
This Externship program is a component of an NSF funded grant awarded to NOVA to expand the pipeline of students preparing for careers in engineering technology. It helps teachers, counselors, and administrators develop first-hand knowledge of engineering technology through higher education and industry connections.
Participants tour local facilities, engage in discussions with industry and higher education leaders, and develop a plan to guide their students to careers in engineering technology.
Participants must participate in a tour of Micron Technology in Manassas and STACK Infrastructure in Ashburn as well as tour NOVA’s Fab Lab and engage in discussion about NOVA programs.
Students who completed NOVA’s Career and Leadership Readiness Institute have been invited to join the externship participants to learn about engineering technology careers and opportunities with industry partners.
Tours of Micron Technology and STACK Infrastructure were held in April and May. The Secondary Externship application is still available, with final tour dates of both sites scheduled for the end of June.
NOVA has 2 exciting Externship opportunities for 1) Secondary Educators and 2) Industry Professionals in Engineering Technology. These externships are supported by an NSF DCO Tech Grant.
>> For secondary school CTE administrators, teachers, and/or counselors who are interested in guiding students into a successful tech career.
This externship equips educators to build awareness for Engineering Technology (ET) and Data Center Operations (DCO) careers in the region and the educational pathways NOVA provides to prepare students for these in-demand and high-wage careers. Educator Externship participants receive a stipend after completing the following activities:
Attend an industry tour of Micron Technology, where attendees will see the daily operations and gain insight into career opportunities in Engineering Technology.
Attend an industry tour of a data center, which will provide first-hand visuals of a data center’s daily operations. There will also be a presentation on data center careers and opportunities.
Attend a tour/professional development day at the NOVA Manassas Fab Lab. The goal is to create clear pathways and provide materials to guide high school students into NOVA’s Engineering Technology and Data Center Operations programs.
Micron Tours: April 5th or May 16th Data Center Tours: April 22nd, May 20th, or June 30th NOVA Fab Lab Tours/PD Day: July 22nd or 29th
>> For engineering technology professionals and data center technicians to inspire the next generation of engineering technicians.
This externship engages professionals in the Engineering Technology industry to support high school students who are learning about technician careers, and equips professionals to teach NOVA’s engineering tech programs. Industry Externship participants receive a stipend after completing the following activities:
An introduction to NOVA’s engineering technology programs and facilities.
Learn credentials required to teach as an adjunct instructor at NOVA and explore the pathways to becoming a credentialed engineering technology or data center operations faculty member.
Develop and deliver two lessons for the summer bridge program to inspire high school students to pursue careers in Engineering Technology.
Participants will attend an in-person professional development session at the NOVA Fab Lab (NOVA Manassas Trailside Building) on June 10th, where they will create their lesson presentation for NOVA’s Engineering Tech Summer Bridge Program, to be taught on either June 24th or 30th.
Virtual PD Sessions: May 5th, 12th, and 19th In-Person PD Session: June 10th, 2022 at the NOVA Fab Lab Bridge Program Instructing: June 24th or 30th
Click Here for more info about Engineering Technology at NOVA Click Here for more info about Data Center Operations at NOVA
Supporting Technology Programs at NOVA
NOVA IET: NOVA’s Information and Engineering Technology Program. Learn more about Information Technology, Engineering Technology, Data Center Operations, Cybersecurity, Information Systems Technology, and Cloud Computing https://www.nvcc.edu/iet.
NOVA SySTEMic: NOVA’s STEM Program to equip students for in-demand technology careers and expand regional capacity for STEM talent. Learn more about STEM Careers, NOVA Fab Lab activities, Summer Bridge Programs (in Computer Science, Information Technology, and Engineering Technology), STEM Camps, Teacher Professional Development, STEM Competitions, Expos, and more: https://www.nvcc.edu/systemic