Ch. 02 Methods

What is the scientific method? Be able to state and give examples of each step in the process. Why do we use this in psychology?

What is a theory? What is a hypothesis?

Can you describe the following research methods (and important terms): naturalistic observation, case method/study, surveys (population vs. random sample), correlational studies, and experiments? What are the differences among them? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?

What is a positive correlation? What is a negative correlation? Is correlation a measure of cause?

When thinking about an experiment, can you define and identify: independent and dependent variables; the experimental group; the control group; random assignment; placebo; placebo effect?

What are some of the important guidelines that researchers follow to treat human participants ethically? Be able to describe and recognize examples of institutional review boards, informed consent, risk-benefit analysis, deception, debriefing, and confidentiality.