Chapter 14 Attraction

What is Maslow’s theory? What does Maslow say about the “need to belong”? What is it? When does it motivate our behaviors?

Name/describe three pieces of evidence to support the claim that people have a need to belong. Give/recognize examples of each.

What is the evolutionary explanation for this  need to belong? How was it selected for as a genetic trait?

Name/describe four pieces of evidence for the argument that the need to belong is genetic.

What is the “propinquity effect”? What does it mean?

Why does proximity lead to liking? Name two reasons.

What is the “reward effect” for liking? Note that it is based in classical (not operant) conditioning. How can we learn to like or to dislike new people?

How can you use the reward effect to your advantage when meeting a blind date or going on a first date?

What is “transference” and how does it play a role in liking a person?

Which attributes in another person lead to greater liking (in the U.S.)?

How does similarity between people play a role in liking?

Which saying is true: “Birds of a feather flock together” or “Opposites attract”?

How do people raise our self-esteem? You should have two ways.

Is flattery always a path to being liked more? Why or why not?

How can you use flattery to your advantage to increase another person’s liking of you?

Name/describe four findings that demonstrate that being attractive matters to other people.

Describe four explanations for why an attractive appearance affects people.

What is the “halo effect”?  How does it lead us to make judgments about attractive people? How do these judgments vary by culture?

Is it true that more attractive people are nicer/better? Why or why not?

When judging what makes a person’s face attractive, what are two universal findings? (What kind of faces are attractive?)

What is the evolutionary explanation for why average and/or symmetrical faces are seen as attractive?

When men judge women’s bodies for attractiveness, what are the universal findings? What kind of body (female) is attractive to heterosexual males?

What is the evolutionary explanation for this preferred body type?

When women judge men’s bodies for attractiveness, what are the universal findings? What kind of body (male) is attractive to heterosexual females?

What is the evolutionary explanation for this preferred body type?

(Which surprising man is seen as sexy in an April 2020 Google search?)