Ch. 11 Early Adulthood 2

Describe the cultural differences in marriage related to polygyny and chooser of spouse.

What are the important traits in a spouse (in the US)? What are some of the ways those ranks have changed over time?

What are six changes in Western marriage that have occurred in the past 50 years?

How has the marriage rate and the cohabitation rate in the US changed over time?

Compare and contrast gay and lesbian partnerships/marriages with heterosexual partnerships/marriages.

Name and describe the three components in Sternberg’s triangular theory of love. (Hint: Intimacy, Passion, Commitment) How do these combine into four kinds of love? Name and describe these four kinds of love. Give/recognize an example of each.

What are three ways in which happy couples communicate, that differentiates them from unhappy couples?

Your book/notes list seven correlates of successful couples. What are they?

What are advantages and disadvantages to getting divorced?

What are the six most common correlates of divorce in the US?

Describe the basis of cost estimates of raising children in the U.S. What will it cost to raise a baby to age 18? (Assume married, middle income family with one child in Virginia.)

What are three relationship findings from longitudinal studies of the transition to parenthood?

How do the emotions of mothers with children at home compare to those of women without children at home? Why?

How do moms and dads (in heterosexual couples) compare when it comes to time spent on direct child care? Play?

Describe three major changes in the career landscape in the developed world over the past few decades. Give/recognize examples of each.

What three personal variables are positively correlated with career success?

What are the qualities of an optimal workplace?

Important terms

  • Polygyny
  • Arranged marriage
  • Serial cohabitation
  • Traditional gender roles
  • Gig economy
  • Contract work
  • Intrinsic career rewards
  • Extrinsic career rewards