Chapter 13 Conflict

Study questions Chapter 13


What is the definition of conflict?

What is a social dilemma? What is a social trap? Be able to define these and give/recognize examples.

Be able to define and give/recognize examples of zero-sum and non-zero-sum games.

Be able to explain the Prisoners’ Dilemma and the Tragedy of the Commons. Why are these dilemmas? What are modern-day examples of these dilemmas?

Explain and be able to provide/recognize examples of the following methods to resolve social conflict: regulation, altering group size, allowing communication, changing payoffs, and appealing to altruistic norms.

What are the 3 different rules by which rewards can be allocated fairly among people? Be able to define and give/recognize examples of each of the 3.

Which of these rules is the most fair? What are the cultural preferences for reward allocations?

How do misperceptions play a role in conflict? Define and give/recognize examples of mirror-image perceptions.

We talked in class about 5 ways that contact can be used effectively to resolve conflict between groups (e.g., prejudices). What are those 5?

What is the effect of competition and cooperation on conflict? Be able to explain Sherif’s Robber’s Cave study. How did he create conflict and then resolve the conflict?

Define and understand the effect of superordinate goals and common external threats on conflict resolution.

What is the “jigsaw classroom” and how does it affect cooperation and attitudes?

Parties in conflict can use communication to resolve the conflict. What is bargaining? What is mediation? What is arbitration? How are they effective at resolving conflicts?

What is conciliation? What is the GRIT strategy? Be able to describe a real-world application of the GRIT strategy.