Chapter 06 Conformity

Chapter 6 Study Questions


What is the definition of “norm”? Be able to provide a few examples of norms that vary by culture.

What is the definition of “conformity”?

Be able to describe Sherif’s 1930’s paradigm for studying conformity, using the autokinetic phenomenon. What did his data show about conformity?

Be able to describe Asch’s 1950’s paradigm for studying conformity. What percentage of people conformed at least once in that first experiment?

In Asch’s follow-up experiments, what factors were shown to lessen conformity? (You should be able to describe at least 2 factors.)

What is public conformity? What is private acceptance?

What are the 2 motivational reasons for WHY people conform? Name them and be able to give/recognize examples of each.

When do people conform? Know the effects of group size, unanimity, cohesion, status, and public response.

What is the definition of “obedience”?

Be able to describe Milgram’s basic paradigm for studying obedience. What percentage of people obeyed the experimenter all the way to the highest levels of shocks (in the first/basic experiment)?

Why did people obey the experimenter? Should we draw conclusions that these people were somehow more vicious or less moral than other people?

In Milgram’s follow-up experiments, what 4 factors were shown to increase or decrease obedience? In other words, when are we more likely to obey? Name them and be able to give/recognize examples.

How does personality play a role in conformity?

How does a culture’s value of individualism versus collectivism influence conformity? Obedience?

What are two ways in which people resist conformity or obedience? Name them and be able to give/recognize examples.