Chapter 03 Soc. Cognition 1

When making decisions, we have to stop thinking at some point. What are the three motives (needs) that influence our final decision?

Explain how a person’s situation impacts which motive is influential. In other words, when is each need activated?

What are the two systems of human thinking? Name, describe, and give/recognize examples of the cognitive system and the experiential system.

Define “heuristic.” Understand how framing a problem as gains vs. losses changes our decisions.

Define “attitude.” What is the difference between an “implicit” and “explicit” attitude?

Can a person have a conflicting implicit vs. explicit attitude? How? When?

What are the three conditions that must be met for the cognitive system to override the experiential system?

Define, describe, and give/recognize an example of a schema.

We have four special types of schemas. Describe and give/recognize examples of scripts, impressions, stereotypes, and self-concept.

Define “associative network.” Define “priming.” Explain how priming an influence our thoughts and behavior.

What is “confirmation bias”? Why do we have this bias, even though it leads us to make errors?

Describe three ways (not including self-fulfilling prophecy) that confirmation bias affects how we use information.

What is the “self-fulfilling prophecy”? Explain the classic study done by Rosenthal and Jacobson.

What are three limits on confirmation bias?