Ch. 07 Learning

What is the definition of learning?

Which psychologist do we most closely associate with classical conditioning?

What kind of learning happens with classical conditioning?

What is a stimulus? What is a response?

In classical conditioning, define and understand the following four components: US, UR, CS, CR.

Diagram/describe how classical conditioning explains this scenario: A cat runs into the kitchen when she hears a person using the can opener to open a can of soup.

Define generalization and be able to provide/recognize an example.

Which psychologist do we most closely associate with operant conditioning?

What kind of learning happens with operant conditioning?

What is the definition of a reinforcer? What are the 2 types of reinforcement? (Give/recognize an example of each kind.)

What is the definition of a punishment? What are the 2 types of punishment? (Give/recognize an example of each kind.)

How is classical conditioning different than operant conditioning?

Which psychologist do we most closely associate with observational learning?

What is observational learning? Be able to give/recognize an example.