Chapter 10 Aggression

Study questions chapter 10


What is the definition of aggression? What are some examples of behaviors that are and are not aggressive?

What is the difference between “hostile aggression” and “instrumental aggression”? Be able to define each and give/recognize an example.

Be able to define and give/recognize an example of physical aggression and social/relational aggression.

What are the three general theories used to explain human aggression? Be able to provide/recognize an example of each.

Is there research support for the following biological explanations of aggression: instinct, neural, genetic, biochemical? Be able to define each and give/recognize an example of each.

How do each of the biochemical agents below affect aggression? Alcohol, testosterone, poor diet

What is the definition of frustration? According to modern research, what role does frustration play in aggression?

What is displacement?

How do deprivation and relative deprivation play a role in frustration and/or aggression?

What evidence is there for the notion that aggression is learned? What is the difference between operant conditioning and observational learning, when it comes to explaining aggression?

What role does family and/or culture play in observational learning?

Explain and be able to provide/recognize examples of these situational influences on aggression: pain, heat, attacks,  arousal, and aggression cues (i.e., presence of guns).

How does viewing pornography affect men’s aggression and attitudes toward women?

What is the effect of viewing  media (TV and internet) on aggression and attitudes?

Why does media viewing affect aggressive behaviors and changes in thinking?

What are the effects of playing violent video games?

What is the definition of catharsis? According to modern research, is catharsis an effective way to reduce aggression? Can we use learning theory to reduce aggression?