Chapter 04 Attitudes

Chapter 4 Study Questions


Define attitude. Be able to provide an example.

What is the “tripartite model” of attitudes? Be able to provide an “A, B, & C” for a particular attitude object.

There are 3 learning processes that can produce attitudes. How do social learning, classical conditioning, and operant conditioning create attitudes? Be able to provide/recognize examples of each learning process.

What is the “mere exposure effect”? How does it create attitudes?

What is an “accessible” attitude? How do attitudes become accessible?

What did LaPiere find in his travels of the US in 1930?

What conditions increase the likelihood of an attitude affecting/leading to behavior? (Know 5)

Under what conditions do behaviors affect attitude? (Know 3)

What are some societal examples of attitude change following changed behavior?

Be able to describe Zimbardo’s prison experiment. How do his findings relate to the attitude-behavior connection?

What is “cognitive dissonance?”

Be able to describe Festinger’s experiment on cognitive dissonance. What was the crucial finding? How can attitudes change as a result of cognitive dissonance?

What is “buyer’s remorse”? Explain post-decision/post-purchase dissonance.

What is Bem’s self-perception theory? How can attitudes change as a result of behavior? Be able to describe research findings to show that attitudes are affected by our body’s behavior.