Chapter 01

Note: Read chapter 00 slides and do the review questions in the slides.

What are descriptive statistics? What are inferential statistics? When/why would we use these?

What is a population? What is a sample?

What is a statistic? What is a parameter?

What are variables?

Be able to define and provide/identify examples of variables with these four scales of measurement: Nominal, Ordinal, Interval, Ratio.

What are discrete and continuous scores? Provide/recognize examples of each.

Explain the logic of experimental research.

In experimental research: What is random assignment? The independent variable? The dependent variable? Confounding variables? Be able to give/recognize examples of these.

What is a between-groups design? What is a within-groups design? Be able to give/recognize examples of these.

What does it mean to say that a measurement is reliable and/or valid? (What is reliability? What is validity?)

Explain the logic of correlational research.

Define and give/recognize examples of positive correlation and negative correlation.

Why can we not conclude causation from correlational research?

What is “data ethics”? How do we practice data ethics as researchers?

Practice by doing the odd numbered problems in the chapter and then checking the answers in the back of the book.