Ch. 09 Adolescence 2

Describe the stage that Piaget names for adolescents. What age range is involved? What is it that adolescents can do now that they couldn’t do before?

What are the critiques of Piaget’s theory of formal operations?

How do attention and memory change from middle childhood to adolescence? What is selective attention? What is divided attention?

Produce/recognize an example of the zone of proximal development and scaffolding involving adolescents.

Describe Kohlberg’s theory of moral development. What are the three stages? What are the approximate ages for each stage? What is the person’s reason for a moral decision in each stage?

What is “adolescent egocentrism”? There are two aspects. Define the imaginary audience and the personal fable. How do they lead to problem behaviors? Be able to give and recognize examples of each.

Address these three questions about adolescent storm and stress. What is the answer to each question? Have research examples to support the answer.

    1. Are adolescents more socially sensitive?
    2. Are adolescents risk takers?
    3. Are adolescents more emotional?

Describe the pattern of adolescent suicide and self-harm in recent years.  Be able to state several prominent hypotheses to explain this pattern.

How does self-esteem change throughout adolescence? Why?

Define resilience and name the protective factors that are related to resilience in adolescence.

Describe adolescents’ relationships with friends and characterize their interactions with peers.


Terms to understand

  • Abstract thinking
  • Selective attention
  • Divided attention
  • Pre-conventional thinking
  • Conventional thinking
  • Post-conventional thinking
  • Clique
  • Crowd